Download VAT invoices

Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Download VAT invoices

The "list of reservations" has an option to export VAT invoices (export-button at top-right of page).

Which is a quicker way then selecting each invoice from the individual reservations. 

The pop-up screen shows download is possible from recent 6 months (why not at least a year?), per month, by selecting desired month from the menu.

But when i choose "july" , then select CSV or PDF format, and click on the download button:  nothing happens !  (frozen screen)..

When i choose "ausgust" the download starts as expected.

Is it a general glitch for month "july" or does it happen only to me ?

(BTW I have VAT invoices in july)

5 Replies 5
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Yes Emiel, the same happens to me but, the reason is, I think, download of VAT invoices (in a block) are only available for the previous 6 months, as you pointed out. As we are now into January 2021, July 2020 falls outside that 6 month timeline!


VAT invoices are still shown in the message stream with the guest. It appears in the cost breakdown panel on the right of screen in the individual guests message stream, and although  terribly time consuming, that may be the only way you can download VAT invoices now.

I just went back into the July message stream and was able to quickly access one! 



I wanted to download VAT invoices in .pdf for June 2021.
Reservations -> Export -> Download VAT invoices -> File type PDF -> Date range June 2021 -> Download

After the download was succesfull and I opened the file, the pdf. page was blank. Customer support advised me, to make print screens of the bookings in transaction history. I mean really?? 

The issue with blank pdf pages is the same on windows computer (chrome), on macbook pro (safari). 

Does anyone else have the same problem?

Yes, I'm not getting anything at all, just blank pages!!! not able to do a screenshot because is a blank page!

Level 1
Lagos, Portugal

I'm having the same issue. Has anyone found a solution to this?


Hi Lisa, were you able to resolve this issue? Im having the same problem as well and I cant figure out how to fix it.