Erroneous de-listing of Seattle unit

Erroneous de-listing of Seattle unit

Hi all --


I host a basement unit below my home in Seattle, which requires us to be registered with the City.  On March 15th AirBnB de-listed my unit and cancelled three reservations without any warning.  I promptly contacted the City, got things straightened out on that end (I believed I had registered but it had been marked pending) and started trying to provide my registration number and copy of my registration to AirBnB.  Thus began a two-week saga involving at least five phone calls, multiple chats, many emails.   I couldn't and still can't find a way for a host to list the registration number on their unit (links AirBnB has sent in the past are broken).  The City of Seattle worker was super helpful and prompt.  AirBnB not so much.  Several of the line help people tried to help, but they just kept telling me to do things I had already tried.  


I finally got my unit re-listed after about two weeks, my patient guests re-reserved their stays in July and August, only to receive the exact same email from AirBnB three days ago.  The only good news is that my existing reservations don't seem to have been cancelled this time.  When I contacted the City, I received a prompt and helpful response, including information that AirBnB had accidentally deactivated a number of recently activated accounts.   So far all I've received from AirBnB are unhelpful links that don't work or that send me in the same unhelpful loop.  


Any ideas about how to get the attention of someone at AirBnB to fix what clearly seem to be systems issues?  There ought to be an easy way to enter your registration number on your listing.  It ought to allow you to list the number in the format you receive from your City or area.  And there should be a way to route problems to someone who has knowledge and authority.


Anyone else face this issue or have ideas?





2 Replies 2
Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Janet-And-Betty0 Is there a local facebook group where you can post and hopefully find help form someone who went through the same thing?

Thanks.  Good idea.  I've found a local group and asked for permission to join.  They say your listing has to be active but I'm hoping they'll make an exception since I'd like my listing to be active.