Escalate a complaint

Escalate a complaint

I want to know how to escalate a complaint,


I have a so called case manager- **, who is meant to be dealing with my complaint regarding a refund to my credit card, which is not happening.


Does anyone know where I can go from here are there any legal bodies I can approach, ombudsman, etc


[*Title and name edited]

132 Replies 132
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


You stayed at the lsting to the end and then asked for a refund. That's not the best way of doing business. You also did not  review the host, nor comment on the review the host has written. Complaining at Airbnb is rather useless if you do not cancel your stay because of a serious issue. You can still report the host (via "flag" link on the profile) to Airbnb.

The host got some more negative reviews, Airbnb should look into this..

So do not give up complaining and ask Airbnb to provide evidence of the allegations.

I have a similar issue. Due to the lock down a host has agreed to refund me 80% of my booking, but airbnb are holding back 30% of that amount and have only returned me 50%. I have approached them dozens of times about this unethical behaviour and they are not responding to me. I am ready to engage a laywer, but no idea where to start. Any advise from this community? 

I am writing from Brisbane and we have been advised today (July 31) that South East Queensland, Australia, including Gold Coast, are to commence a three day lockdown as of 4:00pm today due to COVID and the Delta strain. Myself and three other friends had booked at the Mantra on View Surfers Paradise Lev 16 5G Internet, through Shakil. I contacted Shakil this morning as soon as we realised we were unable to keep our reservation only to be told that he would not give us a refund or allow us to reschedule. He also told us that he does not have our money. He did say he would refund the cleaning free. However, we are now out of pocket $201.50 as the cleaning fee is $70.

Air Bnb, we would appreciate the return of our money during these tough COVID times



Level 2
Santa Ana, CA

I am having a nightmare dealing with Airbnb responding back to an issue I have with the host. I have called them 8 times, email 3 times for the same issue and all 11 times I get " our supervisor will call you back". I never get the call back and I even have some of their representatives laughing at the issue. Because of Covid they are working from home and they don't care about anything.  I have lost $4000 please don't make the same mistake. Beware of a company when the employees don't want to give you their employee ID # when you request it  from them. 

Level 3
Darwin, Australia

Airbnb will do everything they can not to escalate an issue.


I requested escalation 82.5 hrs ago, a process they say takes 24 - 48 hrs and still nothing.


I have been contacted by a case manager Akeem who is completely useless and doesn't even know the Airbnb policy clearly outlined on the website. He told me I should send him a copy if it so he can learn from it!! 

I have been questioning a refund to a guest who cancelled 14 days into a four day stay. Airbnb gave them a refund with no reference to me. Immediately after the cancellation the "guest" changed his profile to a company and all the messages etc changed as well. I am being asked to provide proof of this, despite the company having secured the booking fraudulently.

House rules were broken, no communication re cancellation yet I am the one being treated like a liar. And they wonder why their hosts are frustrated and angry. Time for a mass walkout and time for an investigative reporter to get involved.



Just reread my comment - the guest cancelled *4 days into a 14 day stay*.


I still don't have a solution or a resolution. 


I have been advised by the guest that their refund was cancelled. I have not been received it to cover costs and Airbnb is refusing to say what they have done with the money.


To add to that when a 'supervisor' finally (after 5 days) decided to ring me, he did so at 1.21am and when I didn't answer wrote an email stating that because I don't have a security deposit (I do, $200) I would have to enter into a resolution directly with the guest.


Maybe we all need to start messaging Brian Chesky - CEO of Airbnb on his Linkedin and Twitter accounts. He can't ignore the level of discontent amongst his hosts for ever.









Level 1
Berrick Salome, United Kingdom

I emailed the whole management committee I was so frustrated by my treatment and incompetence and refusal to refund my money after the host cancelled...!  They don't care. I have decided it is an expensive mistake for me to make to deal with them and have decided to tell anyone I can NOT to EVER book with Airbnb and I will NEVER do so again. For the sake of some decent customer service they could have avoided this but this is just an intermediary company who own nothing and really have nothing to lose... They just wait for the next host to provide them with the commodity and to hell with those who they fall out with in the meantime.  No one even acknowledged my email.  Appalling company.

@Tracie54  It doesn't make sense- if a host cancels your booking, you should be fully refunded. 

I have applied for refund and the cancellation policy says 50 percent of I have called Airbnb it has been 2 weeks now and they keep on saying they need consent from the host it’s been 2 weeks the host AWOL 

how do you confirm a host that ignores messages like that ?

@Oratile1 I guess the host doesn't want to refund you any more money than is due based on the cancellation policy you contracted when you made your booking.

Just a thought - If you only paid 50% of the booking cost then there is no money due back to you. All refunds within the policy are automatic so either you cancelled too late for a refund or it is the issue above. I assume you have actually cancelled?

Level 1
New York, NY

Can someone tell me how to escalate a complaint past the supervisor. There should be clear directions somewhere. Thanks

HI All,


I am new to hosting, and so I am open to the idea that might have made a mistake of some sort, but I am struggling to figure out where/how. I contacted AirBnB support but I am getting canned answers that do nothing to help understand what happened. Hence my post.  Here is the situation.


I created a listing, got an inquiry, clicked on a button to approve "Pre-Booking" without looking at the amount. But it turns out amount was grossly incorrect. I realize it was a mistake to click without checking the amount as a general principle but the issue here is why was the price different than expected.


When contacted Airbnb they told me that I was the one who sent a special price to the guest.

The problem is that I did not. I don't even know how to do that. I have no idea where that amount comes from. It is a very precise amount 942.36. I am very sure I would remember if I had decided on such a specific amount as a special price.


The only thing that Airbnb tells me is that I sent it. But are not telling me by what means that price got there. How does clicking approve Pre-Book set a price? on what basis? If I wanted to how would set a special price?


THe guest reserved for a whole month so 2 bad  options are to cancel, pay a fee, and get my dates blocked or accept that ridiculously low pricing that matches nothing on the per night fees.


I am bewildered by this situation and have no confidence in the basic mechanics of the system. 
I have to imagine that I made price entering mistake somewhere but when? where? 


Any idea? Any solution? Anybody have that experience?  This is a very frustrating first experience?


thanks for your time



Level 1
Atlanta, GA

The same thing just happened. i reported to the comments, BBB, and now here


I request this be escalted to Sr management

submitted a sensitive issue with several follow up points to your team. I directed them to keep situation private, review all notes with host and I, and requested a credit for all my cleaning + communication.

They failed to do all of the above and keep the communication going in circles without taking any ownership or action at all.

I am escalting this to your Senior team to review the current full notes with host and I, keep situation private as we resolved, and review my case especially with images provided via notes to host and I for credit.

I also respectfully ask you to evaluate your team, all the hands that touched my case, the inaction, zero responsibility. I have stayed with Airbnb including running retreats, and over 25 Airbnbs this year alone.

Never have I seen such delays in responding, horrible taking responsibility, and wasting my time. There is a serious need to evaluate your entire process and go back to your roots. I also was a community manager with Atlanta, and have traveled with your teams around the world.

Keep this private from the host once you review, review with your team, the time I had to take at my current Airbnb, the time I a had to take with your "support" team

Depending how you respond, I will be moving quickly to VRBO, Sonder and other competitors as you have failed on a number of levels. I hope you redeem yourself otherwise you will see bottom line impacts and you can see I used you a ton in the middle of pandemic as a five star guest

@Katrina233  I think you have misunderstood where you are posting this. This is a community discussion forum for hosts and guests, not Airbnb customer service. No one from CS reads the posts here nor responds to them. You are just talking to other hosts and guests here.

Hi - no hoping someone helps to give direction where to send. I saw the start of the thread:) Giving full context:)