Filters on services: how much % uses them

Level 1
Østerlars, Denmark

Filters on services: how much % uses them

You can filter on many services on Airbnb. Is there data available how many people filter on each service? So that you can asjust your services to the ones that a lot of guests are looking for. 😀

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hey @Rob9344


That's a great question! There's some info here on the top amenities guests search for, which you might find interesting:


If you were referring to something else though, please do let me know and maybe others will be able to help!







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I'd be curious to know how often the filter by 'price range' is used.
If a host were considering taking on the 15% fee and increasing their own nightly rate accordingly, that might cause them to get filtered out more often than they were previously.