Greensboro, NC

Level 6
Greensboro, NC

Greensboro, NC

There is a group in Greensboro trying to stop Short-Term Rentals.

Their first organized attack will be on March 1, 2023, at Zoning Meeting.

Please attend this public meeting!!


Planning & Zoning Commission
Wednesday, March 1st at 5:30pm

Council Chamber
Melvin Municipal Office Building
300 W. Washington St, Greensboro

This is a public hearing on the updated proposed Short Term Rental Ordinance. After this hearing, the commission will make an official recommendation about the ordinance and then the matter will go to City Council for another public hearing and final approval.

2 Replies 2
Level 10
Placencia, Belize

@Dassi0  Try to find out on what basis do 'they' want to stop it; for that matter who 'they' really are.


It is best if those countervailing their effort comes cool as a cucumber, and with favorable facts to their position;  STRs can be very economically helpful to local economies by increasing the cap of available places, adding more choices and even providing certain options typical hotels/motels can't.


I suspect the opposition comes from either of three fronts: the local hotel/motels that do not want competition, local council contending STRs take away from long-term housing and lastly annoyed neighbors having strangers in their enclaves.


Good luck.

I became aware by a week long “conversation” on NextDoor app.  


Not sure yet if it is only neighbors,  but this person is pushing for lots of neighbors to attend.


 I will be attending, with positive examples and hope to see other Hosts there.  (also, there was an opinion piece in local newspaper)