Help in changing the city's registration number on our listings


Help in changing the city's registration number on our listings

I've been through "support" for months with no solution.  Can someone please advise on how to change the city's registration number on an existing listing.  We received a new registration number from the city but because we cannot change it on Airbnb platform, our listings have been deactivated.  Since we cannot change the registration number, Airbnb sees our registration as "declined" by the city.


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  

Top Answer

Hi Everyone,


I'm sorry for the delayed response.  We've semi-giving up on Airbnb.


We decided to go around the system after going back and forth for months without any proper help from Airbnb.


We started 2 new listings and deactivated the old listings.  The main concern we had was losing the old feedback.  Luckily, the old feedback are linked to the new listings.  It's a lot more work but it's the only solution we found to the problem.


We hope this helped.



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16 Replies 16
Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Hi everyone,


I just changed my registration number and this is how it went. Go to your listing, on the left side you have your listing editor. It has Your Space, Arrival Guide and then three dot menu. Go to the three dots menu, go to regulations, it shows you the registration number so go to view, you can then edit the number and submit.

That doesn't work if you've been declined. There is no registration number listed; it says "Your registration was declined." And there is no further action to take.