Hello, I am soon to be remote hosting in the upper Chesapeake Bay area of Maryland's Eastern Shore. The beautiful mid-century brick ranch house I grew up in now stands empty. It was originally built an in-law suite / main home. I want to open up the in-law suite to guests while taking time to renovate the main home.
My parents are both living, and now reside near me in New England, a few hours from the house, which remains in their name.
I understand from reading posts here that the usual arrangement will be to have my folks be the hosts, and me the co-hosts, since the house is not currently in my name. But I expect to continue hosting at the property even in the event of my parent's passing. Continuity and good ratings have value, and keeping any superhost status etc. seems like a good thing in the event of such a transition.
Does AirBnB allow for shifting from co-host to host? Can hosts place their AirBnB accounts in a trust or will? What are the tax implications of transferring the account -- does it have "value?"
I'd appreciate any suggestions, information, or links as I work with my folks to set this up. Any experiences y'all have had with trusts or other legal management arrangements would also be of value -- I don't think that transferring the property to me now makes sense tax-wise. But I'm sure there are legal instruments of which I'm unaware.
Also, while I'm here, I also need to understand how variable sections of the home may be listed and hosted -- 1. the in-law suite alone, 2. the main house alone, and 3. both together.