How can I add a 360 Virtual Tour to my listing?

Level 3
Fuente Blanca, Spain

How can I add a 360 Virtual Tour to my listing?



We have been hosting for two years now and have been doing ok with our pictures.  We found this website that does virtual tours for real estate.  Here's a  Sample of 360 Virtual Tour for showing the properties   


The way it works is that they come and shoot pictures with a 360 camera and then they provide a link similar to what I have on the top where you can add to your listings or website.   


We can't seem to be able to add this link to our pictures or to our discription.  Does anybody know how we could add 360 Virtual Tour to our listing?


Thank you indvacned,



Top Answer
Level 2
Luanda, Angola

Create a QR code with the 360 virtual tour hyperlink and add it to your photos on Airbnb 🙂 

View Top Answer in original post

122 Replies 122

I agree - it would be awsome to be able to have a virtual tour of my listings available. 

Hi Lisa - you can now have a virtual tour of your listings on

They also use Matterport technology to scan spaces.

Level 1
Pattaya, Thailand

It really is very simple for virtual tours to be added, if Airbnb dont want to link out from thir site then the just have to allow users to embed an iframe. If they havent allowed it, I would guess that it is because they want to protect the market for themselves


They appear to be up to something with matterport but unfortunatley I dont think it will be of much benefit to anybody for some time yet, Matterport's niche equipment is very expensive and - while the results are very good - it is possible to create immersive, VR tours for a fraction of the price and effort. I think that majority of airbnb advertisers would pay £100-£150 for a Vr tour which improved their chances of getting a booking. As versitile sperical cameras, (which have loads of uses beyond virtual tours) become reaily available many people will be able to create the tours themselves or at least take the photos and send them to somebody to link them together into a tour. VR could, right now, become an easily accessible and affordable tool for all Airbnb users.


Only the very expensive properties which happen to be within range of someone with a Matterport setup will pay the many many hundreds of £ needed to create a tour, so if they just stick with that option VR will only be a tool for the Airbnb elite until such a time as matterport's technology drops in price. 



Level 2
New York, United States

I folllwed the link but did not see evidence of 3D scans? did I miss something - I'm a scanner and photographer as well as a airbnb landlord so I'd like to get the 3D scan as part of my property profile



It says that page is no longer available...


Does not work anymore.
Level 2
Barcelona, Spain

PREGUNTA : AIRBNB suprime los enlaces externos del texto con el que el HOST describe su alojamiento?… porque se puede empezar por poner sencillamente un enlace al tour…

Hi All


I trust you are doing well.  As you are my ideal client we would like to offer our virtual tour service.  The virtual tours can be embedded on Airbnb.


These are reasons why a virtual tour has made our clients successful:-


Why a Virtual Tour?  

  • Increases your exposure and influence in the market to gain credibility.  
  • A brilliant way to leverage strategies.  
  • After viewing a virtual tour there has been an increase in bookings, appointments and visits.  
  • Attracts more customers and helps double interest in business listings e.g. Airbnb, Google maps, Google my Business  
  • Business listings with a virtual tour has increased interest by 48%  
  • Customers are twice likely to book a property viewing or book a Airbnb property after watching a virtual tour.  
  • 2 out of 3 people say they love to see virtual tours on websites and Google maps.  
  • 67% of people wants to see virtual tours on business listings.  
  • They are great in light of the current pandemic.  


Please click on the link for a taster: 


If this interests you please email:


I would love to work with you at the moment we operate in London, Essex, Hertfordshire and Kent.




Patricia Bird  


Hi Patricia, great work on that mirrored WC.  That's the advantage of using a non-Matterport system.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello everyone,


@Clement0, since we first spoke a few months ago now, you may have seen that we have launched a board in the CC called Host Voice, this is an Ideas board and a great way for our community here to share their ideas/enhancements. The ideas with the most Thumbs Up naturally surface to create a crowdsourced message. The most popular ideas are then reviewed by Airbnb's Product Team. 


An idea has been posted in HV recently, regarding giving the functionality to add videos to listing pages. Thought this might be of interest to everyone here


Have a lovely weekend. 






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Hi Lizzie!  


What a nice surprise! Thank you for reaching out, and  for the information!  We have been really busy making 360 Virtual Tours for many diferent businesses including Real Estate.


In regards to advertising your property using video, I still believe 360 Virtual Tours of a property is the way to go.  In a video, the control and the decision of what is being shown is still on the videographer.


But, with a 360 Virtual Tour, the viewer chooses where to look and for how long.   I will do a comparision and post it so everyone can see the diference.  Here's a sample of a 360 Virtual Tour -->


We are also showing the Virtual Tours and a lot of other fun things using an Oculus Rift in our new Technology Center located in the town of Fortuna, Murcia Spain.  A great place to visit .  If you are interested in learning how to  create a 360 Virtual Tour of your home and then view your home in VR come stay with us for a couple of days.  


Hope all is well,



Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Heres another example for you to look at.

The link above includes the tour service I offer to my clients all over the world. Materport are beta testing it right now so hopefully you will be able to commision tours like this soon yourself from people like me. I was in Stiges Spain just last week making a presentation for a airbnb host. Spanish apartment 360 tour

[links removed]

Level 2
Brighton, United Kingdom

Kirstie ? Whats going on? Why are you removig my links ? they relate directly to this conversation. Im working hard with airbnb to introduce this service for the whole of the community. 

Dear Lizzie, I have read all the conversation, but still did not get, is AIRBNB planning to add the option for Owners to put their 360 virtual tours in the listings? Thank you in advance for your help, Elena