How do I escalate getting a racist review that a guest left removed?

Level 2
New York, NY

How do I escalate getting a racist review that a guest left removed?

I am a Super Host who has been on AirBnB for over 13 years.


This is a strange situation to me, in that the guest left me a 5 star review.


However, in her review, she states that the neighborhood is unsafe. Not that she felt unsafe, but that the neighborhood itself is unsafe.


In her native language, she further states that my neighborhood is known as a semi-slum. My neighborhood is a predominantly African American/African Diaspora working class community. It is absolutely not a known as a semi-slum, and this comment is deeply offensive and racist against the people in my community.


I contacted AirBnB customer service about this issue, and was told that it was a "personal opinion" and so the review would stay. I appealed it. I was again told that it is a "personal opinion" and still ruled to be ok. I have repeatedly inquired about whether or not AirBnB would penalize me for the following:


1) Responding that the guest's review is racist as well as untrue.

2) Sending the guest a message letting her know that she is not welcome in my home again, because of her racist statement.

(note that I tell good guests that they're welcome to return any time. I have no idea if this guest would return, but I want to make it clear to her that she is absolutely not welcome in my home)


AirBnB CSRs have repeatedly ignored my questions, and simply reiterated that since the original issue was not deemed worthy of having the review removed twice, there is nothing else they can do.


Is there anything further that I can do about this?


I am absolutely furious and sick about it. I have occasionally had racist guests in the past and AirBnB has backed me up every time I reached out about them. That it's acceptable to call ANY neighborhood a semi-slum is absolutely appalling to me. Given the racial demographic and the degree to which the word "slum" is racially charged, it's absolutely disgusting.


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