Offering and charging for breakfast and other food and drink items

Offering and charging for breakfast and other food and drink items

Hi guys, 


I'm new on Airbnb and I have my first guest arriving soon. I am listing a private room in my home. My first guest is long-term, a woman who will be staying with me for a month.


I'm just wondering how I should offer and charge for breakfast and other meals, also tea and coffee service and other drinks service.


How does it work with long-term guests? Does anyone have some templates for menus and welcome letters?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Your listing does not mention breakfast and/or other meals are included..

As the guest has access to kitchen, the guest can help themselve.

So why offer meals and drinks service anyway ?

The guest is not expected it from you.




Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Vanessa1511  Most hosts do not provide meals for guests, whether they are long or short term guests. Some provide breakfast and include it in the price of the rental, but that's about all. Your guest shouldn't be expecting you to feed her for a month, you aren't running a restaurant.


Tea and coffee are things most hosts include free of charge in the cost of the rental, but you don't need to do that for a month-long guest unless you want to and offer it in your amenities list.


If you want to offer meals to her, then you just have to decide what you would charge for that and let her know.

@Vanessa1511  Has your guest requested any food or drink? It's not part of your listing, nor is it a standard offering for Airbnb hosts. But if you want to charge for any additional items or services, you can request payment via 


I don't really recommend that approach for homestay hosts, though, especially in the longer term. Guests are basically going to be your flatmates for awhile, and that arrangement can get awkward if they feel like you're trying to sell them stuff.

Level 5
Los Angeles, CA



I think @Sarah977 said it best. Unless you want to run a restaurant you may want to steer away from providing meals. If you want to welcome them to your home you could offer a nice basket of snacks or goodies. 



