Hi everyone,
Since I started hosting in California a few m...
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Hi everyone,
Since I started hosting in California a few months ago, I've been inundated with ads for companies that say t...
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Hi everyone,
The last few months have been tough on us all with rising prices for utilities in many regions of the world. That being said, one of the most interesting (and most searched!) discussions here on the Community Center is around pricing strategy, tools and opportunities such as local events.
As we settle into 2023, what were your biggest learnings on pricing in 2022 and what do you hope to try out this year?
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughtful reflections and hope that we can share tips here.
As a 'professional host' I'm sure you know you are not allowed to deny assistance animals @Kirsten108
I have seen the Abnb fees jump quite high over the last few years. I would like to ask for a more transparent breakdown on what the added fees that guests pay pays for. I know that it takes a lot to manage the calendars, the texts, the website but you were a profitable company when your rates were much lower! Asking hosts to reduce rates when the price of everything from food, to heating and air conditioning, to goods to run a proper space costs more these days. Maybe Abnb headquarters should consider lowering the service fees.
On another note, I have wanted to add an experience to my Abnb. I haven't really been able to find clear guidance on how to do so. My idea is to teach how to home brew Kombucha to start. Since doing so would also help the company make more money, I hope someone will reach out to me and guide me in how to proceed. Thank you.
Hi Sybe, we will increase our prices with appr. 4 percent to follow inflation a little bit. What I am lacking in the AirBnB pricing tool is the possibility to differ in pricing between one night and two-six nights. We can give a discount for one week, but a discount for two days or more seems to be impossible. However, we do have that difference on our own website and I would like our distinguished AirBnB guests to be able to benefit from this discount as well. Any solutions from your side? Thank you very much. Kind regards, Otto and Barbara
There is a way. Look under weekly discounts and a second link should pop up for shorter stays discount.
I feel i'm too cheap.. lol like my prices to be too cheap around $30 in vegas. Then again the area is not fancy or anything but close to strip, fremont st. But thats what most ppl want I'm assuming and from what i've read online. I have just been looking at others' pricing and they're not far from what i'm at. I might re-evaluate see what I can improve or 'copy' from others and get closer to their prices.