How to behave with a guest that sends you his number to gave you money on cash

Level 1
Kenitra, Morocco

How to behave with a guest that sends you his number to gave you money on cash

Some of the guest blocked in passing money from card bank due to a blockage in his cards . And he sends me his numbef .how I can help him 

6 Replies 6


You can only accept payments for reservations on the platform. Accepting funds outside of Airbnb is in violation of their terms of service and you can be removed from the platform for doing it:


Payment Methods Accepted


“…Offline or cash payments are a violation of our Terms of Service, and can result in removal from Airbnb. Off-site payments make it harder for us to protect your information, and put you at greater risk of fraud and other security issues.”

Level 10
Châtillon, France

Hello, you don't have to do anything, the customer must go directly to the Airbnb platform if he has a credit card problem. It's not up to you to resolve it. You just need to communicate with Airbnb through the messaging.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You report them to Airbnb... it's a common scam to try and get you to accept a booking outside of Airbnb @Sara-Karimi0 

Level 10
Châtillon, France



Example of a response to send to the traveler and always go through the internal Airbnb messaging system



Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, I cannot intervene directly in payment issues, as these are managed by Airbnb. I recommend that you contact their support via this link to get help quickly. Do not hesitate to keep me informed once everything is resolved.

Thank you for your understanding

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Sara-Karimi0 I tell the guests that Airbnb collects the payment on my behalf and to please get in touch with them to resolve. Please make sure to not call them, it is most likely a scam

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Sara-Karimi0 😊

Thank you for asking this question here!

Our hosts shared great advice with you. Did you get a chance to review it?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

Warm regards 🌻


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