I'm new to hosting in San Mateo. I was browsing similar listings and noticed that most Redwood City hosts collect a "Transient Occupancy Tax"(TOT). So I was curious to check San Mateo and there is a Transient Occupancy Tax to pay 14% of rent due at the end of every month!
I searched the forums and past threads and tried to set this up in Airbnb but have had no luck (here's a past thread about TOT in San Mateo from 2016: https://community.withairbnb.com/t5/Help/San-Mateo-regulations/m-p/71272)
Also many listings in San Mateo don't seem to collect this although a few do collect it from what I've seen. If you've setup your San Mateo Airbnb listing to auto-collect this 14% tax - please share your steps. I need to do the same.
It doesn't seem correct to calculate 14% of my past earnings since Airbnb charges a higher rent than what they pay me and wording for the tax says it's 14% of rent.... so ideally Airbnb should auto-collect this and remit it to the City of San Mateo on behalf of hosts.
Thank you in advance,