I have not been paid

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

I have not been paid

Is anyone else experiencing no payment from AirBnB? I am now looking at taking this to the media as it is unlawful and unethical to be holding any payments back without sufficient evidence and explanation. The support team are terrible even though we pay through the roof for it. It has been two weeks of pain, no payout and I am now removing my listing from Airbnb and my mothers. The hassle and expense is totally not worth it and I do wonder, what the hell has happened to AirBnB it used to be so amazing but now it is nothing but a nightmare. Help please!

41 Replies 41

Same here Florence - its so frustrating.

Call them everyday, demand to speak to the payment specialist and demand everything to be checked again like your bank account and swift code. Then ask for them to email you confirmation of the payment. I have still not been paid. This is literally so frustrating as you can’t get a real resolution and they actually don’t care which makes me think, are these funds held for interest purposes? I feel it’s very illegal?

It’s what iam thinking they are working with OUR money ! And it’s illegal ! 

Yes absolutely! And there is also no way of double checking the payment details on our account as it only shows those last four digits. We spent money to get the house ready but it has become very stressful had I known we wouldn't get the funds in a timely manner probably wouldn't have done it!


exactly it’s what I said there is no way to check the bank account number as we can’t see all the numbers … but I have receive an email saying everything is ok to go after they verified our info so it’s really weird 

just had them on the phone again and same blah blah blah they will contact me and they don’t 

That’s so dodgy in itself, it’s like it has been set up that way because when I got the excuse that my swift was wrong, how can I see that? You can’t. who can we raise this with? Do you know of anyone we can contact about this? I’m going to start reviewing their T&Cs again. Maybe they have et it up this way…

iam thinking where the money gone from the guests as we all know they have to pay before their check in ! Where is the money sitting ????

Level 10
Bilthoven, Netherlands

When you are a new host, the payment of your first guest(s) will come after a month. After that, it will be quicker.

I had 3 guests in 2024. Payment came 2 or 3 days after check-in

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

I can’t see anywhere that it is 30days? 

Me neither airbnb never mentioned that 

That’s the first I have heard about the 30 days too Bec. Information not correct I’m afraid… We all need to lobby and put pressure on AirBnB for ANSWERS!!!

Hi bob . Thank you to mention that but why they don’t tell me that then ? It will stop all the stress and wasting time 

Level 2
New Zealand

Hi! I am also in this position - am waiting on a payment from late December and early Jan. It's well past the time they said I should have received the money. It's extremely stressful and so hard to get anywhere when dealing with the Help Centre. The latest I had from them was that they had started a 'trace' and could take 10 business days. 

Level 2
Flaxton, Australia

I wish I saw this on 29th Dec 2023 when I was trying to deal with the frustratingly endless standard replies from AirBnB. I am based in Australia, so this information is relevant for both AU & NZ Hosts with payments not being paid!

This payment problem happens all the time with Payoneer (payment processing). The worst part I just learned is AirBnB just signed a new 3 year contract with Payoneer in September 2023!!! 
As you will read… this is also an AirBnB problem that happens frequently (search relevant posts in AirBnB Community under ‘problems with Payoneer payments’)…

As a SuperHost I had been hosting and receiving payments no problem since June 2023.

On 29th Dec 2023 I received an email out of the blue stating my payments were on hold and I was required to update my bank details.

Thinking it was a scam - I went to my AirBnB app and noticed my regular bank details (the same bank details I have had for 25 years) has a red alert symbol stating they were invalid.

 I was very confused and AirBnB gave me standard email replies with links to how to set up a payment method. They treated me like I was stupid and they clearly did not care or read my concerns properly.

Meanwhile - all payments stopped over the busy Christmas/New Year period…

I realised it was easier to do as directed and set up my same bank account details again. 
After being passed to 17 different AirBnB customer agents and 3 full days of being incredibly stressed out, cleaning the festivity-mess of 21 Guests over this time and having to remove myself from my precious family when trying to deal with AirBnB and feeling like my intelligence level was in the gutter - I finally started receiving payments again on 15th January 2024!

After much stress and starting all over again, 17 different times.
Turns out AirBnB made me validate my bank details 3 times. My bank details never changed once - they were re-validating the exact same bank account!!! I was starting to go crazy…

Today on 16th January 2024 I finally received an apology from AirBnB. They said there was a problem with Payoneer their payment processing service. AirBnB offered me a USD100 voucher as compensation.
It hardly seems fair. I was denied payments. I was made to feel like a fool. I was patronised by AirBnB customer agents by them not reading my problem properly and the constant offering of standard replies and links that didn’t related to my issue.
It caused me family problems during New Year with 3 full days of going around in circles with AirBnB - time I will never get back.
Yet reading the experience of others on this forum - I am shocked to discover this happens to Hosts all over the world all the time!!!

After my awful experience I think I have PTSD. I have blocked out my Hosting calendar while I consider my future as a SuperHost with AirBnB…

Level 3
Auckland, New Zealand

I am so so sorry. This is is right. I feel that frustration and anxiety but AirBnB do not. I’ll review the T&Cs again and I’ll contact my lawyer, see what they say.