Inbox guest message ...READ indicator

Level 2
Gold Coast, Australia

Inbox guest message ...READ indicator

Is there a feature when a guest reads the online host message host can see as for example " 12:06pm" ? This will stop multiable short messages sent to guest?

3 Replies 3

Hi @Faruk38 


I have sent feedback to Airbnb requesting they do the very thing you mention. It would be extremely helpful if they added the time the guest reads the message. Might try sending feedback to Airbnb also 😊

Community Manager
Community Manager
Toronto, Canada

Hi @Faruk38 ! Thank you for sharing such an interesting suggestion.

I was wondering if you had a chance to notice this update about Read Receipts. This enables Hosts to know if a guest has read their message.

Regarding showing the time of when the message was read, as @Joan2709 suggested, it would be a good idea to share your idea with Airbnb directly through the Airbnb Feedback Form here :




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Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Faruk38 I am not sure what you mean by stopping multiable short messages. Can  you clarify?

I have head some guests who claimed they havent read a message even though it showed read