Thank you so much! That was very helpful! Do you know if V...
Thank you so much! That was very helpful! Do you know if VRBO operates the same way - making a lump sum payment that we nee...
What are your takes on having the Instant Booking Message?
2) Do guests actually write back to the message?
3) Do the guests HAVE to write back to the message to have their Instant Booking confirmed?
We've never paid attention to this feature before and would like to know other hosts' experiences.
I'm a new host and have IB on with 3 items I ask guests to answer or acknowledge. Yes, the guest has to write something when they book, but they don't always address all 3 items and I don't think there's a way for Airbnb to confirm that they're replying to what was asked. As long as they meet your guest requiement(s) - confirmed govt ID/ host recommendations, and write something, their booking will be confirmed. It would be up to us hosts to continue messaging the guest for more info.
One of the reasons I keep instant book on is because this initial message is so important. (You don't get the option of a pre-booking message when you don't use instant book.) They don't HAVE to answer anything. They can book with a simple text of "Hello." But 95% of my guests respond to my satisfaction. There is no chasing, no waiting for a guest to respond to your questions after their request. They greet you and they click to book.
@Emilia42 -So when a potential guest receives the Instant Book message, the message actually tells them they have to respond before being confirmed?
@Cherie71 No, they are just prompted to write a message in the text box. Here is how it looks on your listing. If you want the guest to answer a specific question, I would suggest being as specific as possible. For instance, I say "Who are you traveling with and what brings you to the area?" In my experience, 95% of messages include a response to these questions.
I was using this feature only at our pet-friendly listing as a way to ensure guests know we Have specific pet requirements. But I just decided to turn it off after discovering that fewer than half of my guests actually receive the message. If they’re being honest (I believe they were
based on other communications and the fact that their pets met our requirements), that means the system is not functioning as intended. I dont want to take the chance so will find another way to present this info.