LLC EIN number . Can’t input it when setting up tax into
New to being a host, I have an LLC with an EIN number, however, when I select business entity, LLC, I try to input my EIN number, but it will not accept it. It says it is not a valid format. It contains the first two digits, followed by a dash Then a 5 more numbers . I use this number for other business related issues but for some reason can’t get it to be accepted on the app
Thanks for tagging me @Elisa , more than happy to help.
@Abel6984 the EIN number is always a nine-digit number that IRS assigns in the following format: XX-XXXXXXX. For what you said, you are missing two digits. Are you certain about your EIN number?
I also have an LLC and where able to used my EIN with no problem.
Thanks for tagging me @Elisa , more than happy to help.
@Abel6984 the EIN number is always a nine-digit number that IRS assigns in the following format: XX-XXXXXXX. For what you said, you are missing two digits. Are you certain about your EIN number?
I also have an LLC and where able to used my EIN with no problem.