Length of Stay dicounts - Durée de séjour prix dégressifs - Technical bug

Level 3
Paris, France

Length of Stay dicounts - Durée de séjour prix dégressifs - Technical bug

Hey, I checked on all info I could find on the forums and I couldn't find anything related to my issue, even though I doubt I am the only one having trouble with this.

I am using the length-of-stay discounts which are really convenient for what I want to do: cheaper price for weekly or monthly stays.

It used to work OK until I activated an API with a third party vendor I am using to manage my bookings and calendar. At the same time I activated the API, I noticed that AirBnB now let us set up our own length of stay (like 2 weeks or other duration), which was great - so I added up a 2 weeks discount.

I spare you the details, but then my pricing started going bonkers and none of the discounts worked anymore. So I deactivated the API and tried to set-up my pricing as I did before: 1 base price, a weekly discount and a monthly discount... NONE of it work anymore, I keep seeing the 2 weeks discount popping up, even though it was canceled from my setting, and my weekly and monthly discounts do not work... I have contacted support 2 weeks ago and they told me the IT team is working on it but seriously nobody came back to me yet. Anyone here with length of stay issues ?

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