Listing not visible.

Level 10
California, United States

Listing not visible.


This is the link to my listing in Indio California. Our bookings over the last 90 days have continued to dwindle significantly. We have NEVER not had all our weekends booked at a minimum. I understand the economy is a large portion of this. We have lowered prices as everyone has to adapt to the market. My wife and I are experienced hosts. We have been doing this with multiple properties for over 5 years. 


In the last two weeks I've logged out of my account and searched for my listing as all of our bookings ended. I have used a VPN to make it appear I'm in Canada, or in another part of the US. Nothing. I have searched just Indio, the dates we're available and the number of people with no other filters. Nothing. 


I've spoken to Airbnb about this 3 times and every time they claim they can see my listing on the first page of search results. I do NOT buy it. I have searched multiple ways and always the same result. Nothing


I would like to get some feedback from other hosts. I've included my link. Check out the front page and please let me know if you search and see it. This is a serious issue and I would like some outside input. Thanks!!!

27 Replies 27
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Your listing is in the search system:



I noticed it is assigned to 1 of the new categories : "amazing pools" .

Level 10
California, United States

Thats not helpful. I have had multiple people search for our listing from different states with no luck. Airbnbs non helpful customer service tried to tell e that it was visible after a search. But as you can see they added 16, yes 16 filters to find my listing. This is a ridiculous situation. You should be able to search the city and a couple basic parameters and it should appear. You shouldn't have to add 16 filtered search options.    Also, this is the sec one time I posted this response. The first was removed. Not sure why, but this needs to stop.



Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Patrick568 how very rude of you. @Emiel1 was only trying to help

Nothing I said was rude. If you mean by writing "Not helpful" I meant Airbnb and their pool category. I'm writing something. Before you start taking the time to chastise someone remember we are all reading responses. A lot is lost in the mix. If you're not adding to a conversation don't bother if you're going to scold someone like they're your children.

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

@Patrick568  that link goes to my "guest" homepage. and you do not currently have a listing under your profile name. 

Level 10
California, United States

Someone suggested delisting for 12 hours and relisting. I did this, no changes.


@Patrick568  actually it might have helped because at least now i can see your listing under your profile.  Also, i just clicked your direct link and it went to your listing, so that's progress. There was clearly a glitch on ABB's side!

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Patrick568 Looks like you do NOT have an Airbnb listing - searching your profile should bring up your profile which is does without a listing - sorry, try checking your listing - looks like it is on pause since its no longer anywhere for us to see. 

Also the link you gave gives the same result. NOTHING>

Sorry, check if you have settings correct - LIsted - green light.

keep us posted. sorry you are struggling - its happening with no bookings and not being able to find our place for a few months - since M-11 rollout.

good luck

Level 10
California, United States

Someone suggested delisting for 12 hours and relisting. I tried it, no change.

Host Advisory Board Member
Pensacola, FL

@Patrick568 When you did the VPN thing did you mess yourself up?? Just curious - cause you do not show an active Airbnb. go to your listing page - Menu/ Listing and it should be the first thing you see - Listed with a green dot or such


Level 10
California, United States

I had delisted the profile for 12 hours as it was suggested by someone. Relisted this morning. I searched indio, super host with a pool, for a range of dates that are unbooked. 22 pages came up. We were not on any of them. This is really really frustrating. Even after closing the map into about a 10 mile radius around our home it went down to about 13 pages, and we still did not show up on any of these. I'm not sure what the hell Airbnb has done to our listing, but its maddening. 

@Patrick568  I am sorry I don't have any helpful feedback just wanted to say it's lovely and the palm wallpaper is awesome. 

Level 10
California, United States

It really is a beautiful spot. And we have always done well. Until we clearly irked someone at Airbnb. 

Level 9
Bluefield, WV

I've just searched using a couple of parameters including pool, then looked through quite a few pages of listings but didn't see yours. I hope you'll have some luck working it through with Airbnb
