Look for reliable Co-host in Galveston TX

Level 1
Pittsburgh, PA

Look for reliable Co-host in Galveston TX

Hi, all.


Recently we have been looking into buying a vacation rental property in Galveston TX. We are not located in Galveston, and would like to find a reliable co-host that already has abundant experience managing local vacation rentals.


Any recommendation/contact/tips would be much appreciated! Thanks!



1 Reply 1
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Naomi403, how are you doing ? 


That's a very exciting project! Did you find someone to help you manage your property, since you posted here, or are you still looking? If you'd like more recommendations, it might be worth checking if there is a local Host Club near you. Local Hosts might know some first-hand trustworthy companies or people for you. 🙂 


Speak soon, 




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