Losing my superhost status due to damaging guest

Losing my superhost status due to damaging guest

I am losing my superhost status due to a guest damaging my property and I am going after him through dispute resolution. He basically leaves me 1 star review and puts irrelevant stuff. Airbnb support says it doesn't violate community guidelines and they do not consider to remove this review.

At this point I don't feel incentivized to:
1) Respond people quickly especially when they ask me questions like "how far are you from the airport" when it says it in the description.
2) Not cancel people's reservation, if their profile looks weird or have low reviews.
3) Accommodate their unreasonable expectations.

Am I thinking wrong? Airbnb does not seem to be siding with hosts, in that case I am also thinking not to provide my best service since I am no longer "super host".

1 Reply 1
Level 3
Santa Monica, CA

Hi @Sarp6 ,

I’m really sorry to hear about your situation. Losing Superhost status due to a negative review from a damaging guest can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you feel like you’ve been unfairly treated. Here’s how you might approach this situation:

  1. Understanding the Review System: It’s unfortunate that Airbnb doesn’t consider the review to violate community guidelines. Remember, while reviews do impact Superhost status, they are just one part of the overall evaluation. Focus on providing a positive experience for future guests to build back your reputation.

  2. Reevaluate Your Approach:

    • Response Time: While it’s frustrating, maintaining prompt responses is important for guest satisfaction and your overall rating. Even if you’re feeling demotivated, keeping communication smooth can help prevent future issues.
    • Reservation Cancellations: If you’re concerned about guest profiles, it’s okay to vet them carefully, but avoid canceling reservations without valid reasons. Instead, focus on setting clear expectations in your listing to minimize issues.
    • Guest Expectations: Continue to strive for excellent service, but set clear boundaries and manage expectations. Use your experience to communicate more effectively about what guests can and cannot expect.
  3. Resolve the Dispute: Continue pursuing the dispute resolution process if you haven’t already. Document all evidence of the damage and communicate clearly with Airbnb support about why the review should be reconsidered. Sometimes escalating the issue within Airbnb’s support system can help.

  4. Use Feedback Constructively: Analyze the feedback in the negative review to see if there are any valid points that could help improve your property or hosting practices. Sometimes, there can be a silver lining in criticism, even if it’s delivered poorly.

  5. Protect Your Listing: Consider implementing additional measures to protect your property, such as:

    • Security Deposits: Use Airbnb’s security deposit feature if applicable.
    • House Rules: Clearly outline house rules in your listing to set expectations and protect your property.
    • Enhanced Screening: Use additional screening questions or requirements to ensure guests are a good fit.
  6. Focus on the Positive: Remind yourself of the positive experiences you’ve provided and the good reviews you’ve received. Maintaining a positive outlook and focusing on what you can control can help you move past this setback.

  7. Seek Support: Connect with other hosts who might have faced similar issues. Sometimes sharing experiences and advice can provide new perspectives or solutions.

  8. Explore Alternatives: If you continue to feel unsupported by Airbnb, you might want to explore other platforms or strategies for managing your property. Diversifying your listing channels can reduce reliance on a single platform and offer more control.

It’s understandable to feel demotivated, but keeping a professional approach will help you rebuild your status and continue providing great experiences for your guests. If you need more support or specific advice, feel free to ask.