Managing multiple listings

Managing multiple listings

Howdy - 


I have a space that I have been Airbnb'ing for about a year.  My neighbors have taken note and would like to list available space on their properties (guesthouse setups) but have me manage them.  Does anyone know how to set this up with Airbnb such that they don't attribute all revenue to me?  I want to avoid this for tax purposes since I'll only be getting a small percentage.  That said, I need all communication to come to me so that I can manage the listing.  


I believe that I can make multiple listings under my account and point each one to a different bank account, but that would still show me as 'earning' all proceeds (I think).  Is anyone out there working a similar setup?


Does my question make sense?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

This is exactly what I need.  Thanks for showing me this!!

Level 3
Bucharest, Romania

Hello @Steve2924 ,


Yes. Once a payout method that you've added is Ready, you'll have the option to split your payouts by property, percentage, or both using routing rules.

This feature isn't available in the Airbnb app—you'll need to visit the site from an internet browser to access your routing rule settings.

  1. Go to Account > Payments & Payouts > Payouts
  2. Under Payout Routing Rules, click or tap Add payout routing rule and choose how you want to direct your payouts


Have a great hosting!



Hi Ramona! Even if you split the payment you still get the tax attribution under the name of the account's owner.. I have the same problem and I cannot find any solution.

The host would claim the management fee paid as an expense to offset the taxes, I would think. You have yo declare the income as any business owner would  for  services rendered. 

can anyone share their fee structure for managing other properties? Best practices?