Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Level 4
Cocoa, FL

Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.

376 Replies 376
Level 2
Carmel, CA

 I too have not received payment for the exact same dates and have gotten the same runaround as everyone else about when I will be paid. I was led to believe I was the only one I’m so glad I checked  here to see if this was true. Probably way more than we know have had this happen.  For me it is nearly $900.  

I had the same issue with a $740 payment for guests who checked in on July 1. I can see the reservation amount in my gross transactions, but it doesn't appear anywhere else (it is like it has disappered). After a phone call and email with customer service, they closed my support case and let me know a case manager would contact me. After 2 days of no contact, I used Twitter to reach customer service. Here is what I was told:



My name is Justyna and I'm a Senior Case Manager that specializes in Payments and Payouts here at Airbnb. I'm sending you this message in regards to your reservation with Bill. 

First of all I would like to apologize for the payout delay. It is a technical issue which affected many Hosts all over the world. Our technical department is aware of it and they are working on fixing the issue and release the money. However, I need to ask you for a llittle more patience as it might take another few days. I'm really sorry for this inconvenience. 


They also offered me a travel voucher. I am still waiting patiently for the money. I am happy to hear other guests have received the money. 


I got the same message from Justyna!! This is not exceptable!! 

Level 2
Coeur d'Alene, ID

Yes! I had guests check in July 1. They checked out yesterday July 7. I have spent countless hours with messages and phone calls to AirBnB. They said they have a glitch in the system! This payout isn’t even listed in pending payouts. I am very unhappy and am thinking about going strictly VRBO. They deposit payout right at reservation time ! Not after guest checks in! This is unexceptable from AirBnB. I am beyond pissed right now!! 

Level 2
Albuquerque, NM

I am also having this issue with my guests who checked in on July 1st. It was 7 reservations totaling over $1,300. I have called multiple times, messaged on Twitter, and tweeted. I keep being "assured" that it has been referred to the correct department and that it has been escalated as Urgent but I have yet to hear anything back from anyone. 


Has anyone else been successful in getting this resolved?

Update! I received a message today saying that they have issued the payout! The transactions are now showing again in my transaction history.

Was this for July 1st? I am Missing this still. Not even showing in Upcoming Payouts! 

Level 2
Powell Butte, OR

You all have gotten more positive results than me.  Here is AirBnB's reply to my message regarding the missing payout from July 1....Hi Dave, we're sorry for any frustration this may have caused you. Our team is actively investigating the issue and will follow up with you as soon as they have an update. We appreciate your continued patience.

Level 2
Carmel, CA

Here is the exact email I got


Good Morning Michele,

Let me start by saying I am sorry that it has taken more than 24 hours for Airbnb to get back in touch with you. I'm sure you can understand with the summer upon us the volume of inquiries has been high but I assure you we are getting back to each user as quickly as we can.

I have talked to a few colleagues of mine and I can confirm that there seems to be a small issue at the moment with releasing your payout on time but I can assure you we are working swiftly to remedy the problem and your funds will be deposited soon. I will keep an eye on this throughout my week and let you know of any updates I hear on the matter. Don't forget to frequently check your transaction history as well in case you see it before I do.

I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any further questions, please let me know. My office hours are 4:30 AM -1:30 PM Wednesday through Sunday you can contact me directly through this email for the next 48hrs. If I have not heard back from you during this time this case will automatically close.I’m more than happy to address any of your concerns. Thank you for traveling with Airbnb and have a great day.


Level 2
Powell Butte, OR

And to make things even better, now some of my 5 star reviews are disappearing.

Hello everyone I'm just giving an update but apparently there is no quick fix. Yes they admit there's a problem. But as long as this chat conversation continues to grow it will be heard. I live south of San Francisco about an hour away in San Jose and will be reporting it to the local news maybe something will get done then

Same issue with me. July 1 check-in.  The rep on the phone told me there was an issue with all payouts sent on July 2nd.  Mine still does not show up on my transaction list.



Thank you--that is good to know.  The person I chatted with on the phone indicated that my July 2nd payout went through, but then claimed that Fridays don't count as a business day?  In what planet is that true?  Mine does not show up either....


Level 10
Providence, RI

@Susan723  @Chris-And-Melinda0  @Jennifer1134  @Patty27  @Patricia1267




This is an unbelievable thread. There but for the grace of  . . .


What a black eye for AirBnB.  Another thing to look out for.


We have to keep customer service issues alive.


I'll add this thread to my list and put it in the "Rate Customer Service"  thread.


Other links to forum CS issues.








Thumbs up if you like a post.




The local news stations (KGO 7, KPIX 5, KNTV 2 all local SF bay area stations)  needed to hear from us !