Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Level 4
Cocoa, FL

Missing Payouts, Has this happened to anybody else?

Any other hosts experiencing missing payments from Airbnb? It first happened to me earlier this year. It was just one payment that time and only a few hundred dollars. After 3 days and receiving no notice of payout I called and spent hours on the email and phone with airbnb. They finally acknowledged their error and issued the payment. For my hours of trouble they sent me a coffee mug. This time the missing payouts total nearly $2k. I have already spent much time trying to get it corrected. So far I am just getting the "we are checking into it" email message. The original rep I spoke with acknowledged to me that there was a mistake made. So now I just get to sit and wait for them to hopefully correct their error again. I wonder if I will get another coffee mug. Frankly I would rather just timely get my payouts and without having to waste hours of my time to get them. Anyway just wondering if this is happening to other hosts and also a heads up to other hosts to be sure to keep track of your payouts.

366 Replies 366

I am having the exactly same problem. No solution yet. Please keep me posted.

Level 2
Miami Beach, FL

Same here! Used to have tons of respect for Airbnb until now. Their customer service has downgraded big time.


I have a guest who checked in on the 6th and is checking out on the 11th. No payment has been received but it is in my "upcoming payouts". This is the first time I encounter a delay on my payout as payment is usually released the next day of check-in.

Guest has paid and my method of payment is Payoneer debit card... nerver had an issue in 5 years of using ABB. I am a superhost and I am expecting another guest on the 16th. I am thinking on cancelling that future reservation if this current issue is not resolved quickly.


I called yesterday, the representative, Sparkle, (yes, that's her name...) was so unprofessional and with that -i don't give a sh*t- attitude. She was useless and told me that my case would be transfered to another department and that I will be contacted soon.


I called again today, the represetnative, Whitney, was charming, but could not to much either. My case has been placed in "Urgent" or " Priority" maters...and someone will get back to me (from what she said).


I just want an explanation of what is going on...

'll give them until Friday, and I'll call again. If nothing is done, I will end my business with Airbnb. Can't take any risk of not getting aid while hosting people... Itis a shame but it seems that is has happened way too many times to too many hosts.


Airbnb is losing it big time... what a shame.


I have the same problem, I wrote them three times, they do not even answer.

Level 2
Queensland, Australia

I have checked my accounts and I'm owed $12,500 and some payments have even gone to the wrong owners. Some co host payments are still happening too.

This is a very big concern and everyone should be watching their accounts to every cent.

Fantastic Melinda

Don t wait for the payment! Do something!

They stole me with EUR 2.000. For 3 months they did not paid me anymore.  At the telephone they tell me everyday they need to escalate the problem and, in fact, they get rid of my query!

They tell you these information only to close our mouths! Not to solve our problems!

Airbnb does not give a rat's ass on our problems!

I will not rent my apartment on Airbnb anymore.

I m desperate, but no answer from them.

i have a missing payout that is not released for 3 months by now..called many times and talked to several specialists, everyone said will follow up, and none of them really keep me updated after the calls. I am really disappointed and frustrated for what happened, also angry about the way how airbnb dealing with issues like this. still, i have no idea where is my payout got hold and why they have not released it. 


I have been hosting almost 4 years and this is the first time missing payout. 

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello @Melody-InHK0,


Good to meet you. I'm sorry to hear there has been such a delay in you receiving your payment.


As it's been a few days now, I just wanted to check if you have recieved any update on this?





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Hi Lizzie,


Big Part of the missing payout was released after I left a message on airbnb Facebook page, however, airbnb doesn’t seem to be able to chase the rest of missing payout back from my guest, I really don’t understand why, Especially my guest was already in contact with airbnb support team,  why airbnb still haven’t been able to manage and settle this?. (My guest showed me the conversation with Airbnb, he was willing to deal with it). This is really frustrating.



lizzie, why do you even bother replying with such an inane reply?  why are you even being paid working for airbnb.  you and all of you are not resolving our problems.  it is criminal.

Level 2
New York, NY

This just happened. They charged the guest and when she called told her not to worry. They told me that they will check and get back to me and now it's days and no replies. It takes hours to get through to anyone. This is super frustrating. The person I spoke to was totally incompetent and could not answer why my payment was not sent to me. She said she would find out and call back and is now ignoring me. 

I'm having the same issue.  My guests checked out last week and I have contacted airbnb by internet and phone and they just keep telling me its a "technical problem" and they sent my complaint.  No one has said anything about sending the money due.  I have another renter scheduled for next week and I'm concerned that I won't get paid also.


With this many complaints, it looks like it may be a legal matter since they are in breach of their agreement with us.  They are to release the money within 24 hours of the renters arrival.  At least there should be interest charged for every day that the payments are delayed.  


Are there any attorneys online who can give us advice?


This is exactly what happened to me . . . on the 28th.  And now it's looking like the payment I was supposed to be receiving this evening is not going to show up.  I've put in a request for help and was first told it was a problem with my bank.  When I persisted, I was told it was being "investigated."  I don't know what to do next . . . 

Update: my missing payments suddenly showed up this morning all at once.  Hopefully others get similar results!

i am thinking the same as you. it is illegal.  why do we not all try and get together and do a class action suit against them.  this might stir them up to pay us.  they have no excuse.  they are indeed in breach of contract.  

Level 2
San Diego, CA



I, too, am missing a payout due to me on April 28 for $2095.48. On April 27, payment was listed as Upcoming. When I went on on the 28th, payment had disappeared! Not in upcoming or paid out! Though, thankfully, it is listed in gross, but I have NOT been paid and Airbnb tells me they are investigating. In the meanwhile, I have expenses and bills to pay! My guest is still in my place through May and I haven’t received payment on April 28!


To clarify, my guest is booked for 93 days and Airbnb split this into 4 payments. I have received the first 2 and the 4th one still shows as upcoming. But the 3rd payment for April 28 has simply disappeared!


This is an absolute nightmare and I’m extremely disappointed and disgusted with Airbnb. When will I get my payment? Will I get my current guest’s 4th. payment? What about my next booked guest?


I thought Airbnb was a ~40 billion dollar valued company. I do not expect to be treated like this by the mom and pop grocery store down the street never mind some bastion of the so-called new economy! 


I have called, texted, messaged and tweeted and while everyone was courteous, NOTHING has been solved. The accounting of guests money and host payouts is not rocket science. It’s basic accounting and computers have been doing this for many decades. Imagine if your bank just “lost” a transaction! This is insane. 


Please don’t think you are immune just because it hasn’t happened to you yet! I’ve been a host for over a year and all has been well...until now. 


Airbnb needs to make good on hosts missed payments. No more run around!