
Winter Release Q&A with Airbnb’s Christy Schrader

Winter Release Q&A session

My listings have capped the 120 night limit in LA while waiting for an extended stay permit

Level 3
Los Angeles, CA

My listings have capped the 120 night limit in LA while waiting for an extended stay permit

Been getting a bunch of automated emails, some of which don't make sense, stating I'm over my 120 limit and that they're going to deactivate my listings. 


My understanding is that we can continue to short term while the applications are being processed?


LA city is run by the laziest/stupidest individuals to ever grace the earth so these applications may not be seen to in many more months perhaps years. They make the DMV look like the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.


If anyone can shed some light on this or are experiencing a similar issue please let me know!


23 Replies 23
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

If there is information on your city's website or other guidance from them which demonstrates you can continue to operate beyond the 120 day limit they set , 'while an application is being processed' (you don't say for what but I presume a permit to operate outside their limit) then why not quote this when you call them to query why you are not being allowed to do this. @Charles183 



Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Hi Charles,


I'm experiencing this same issue. When I emailed the LA Home Sharing office about it, the auto-reply actually says,


"Applying for Extended Home-Sharing?  

You do not need to renew your permit at this time.  Due to high volumes for Extended permits we may take longer to process your application."


So, now the question is how to get AirBNB to recognize this and remove the limit. I've reached out to them, but have received no response as of yet.


My speculation is that they just recently enabled this feature and are now having to deal with the fall-out...



Level 2
Fort Myers Beach, FL

I am having the same problem. Lots of automated airbnb emails that state I have reached the 120 day limit for each year through 2023. Today I received emails saying that I could go back to listing but my listings are all blocked. I have tried applying for the extended permit to no avail, I also have tried calling and emailing airbnb with no response. 

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Unfortunately, even though the City of LA is saying (via auto-response email) that Extended Home Sharing Permits are NOT required right now, AirBNB is not recognizing that, and is refusing to remove the 120 night limit. Very sad.

I believe the auto reply states that if you have an extended home sharing permit in process, you don't need to apply for the renewal of the standard permit allowing you to book upto 120

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

@Catherine-Powell Can you please help resolve this? The Los Angeles Home Sharing Department is not processing Extended Home Sharing Permit Applications, and in email auto-responses, they indicate that they are not enforcing the requirement: "Applying for Extended Home-Sharing? You do not need to renew your permit at this time." Given this, can AirBNB please remove the 120-night limit on listings in Los Angeles?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Just wondering where or how you heard the city isn't processing the extended home sharing applications?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

I applied in June and haven't had a response. Airbnb claims I can continue hosting while my application is processing but my listing has been blocked. Anyone able to have Airbnb remove the block?

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

has this issue been resolved at all or is it just something we have to deal with at this point? I just received a letter (after only 4 months) that I've reached my nightly limit and am concerned about 2021, having booked 110 nights through only May.

Hi @Charles183 and @Eric4770 @Daniel7558 , 


did you both get this resolved? I'm a new host in LA and also hit the limit now, do I need to pay $890 for the exteneded permit ? On top of that, city is also asking me to pay $3.10 fee per night. Want to make sure this is what we really need to do before i move forward to pay all of this...

Level 2
Los Angeles, CA

Hey, Lu!


Afraid you will have to pay the extended permit fee.

As with all things in life, there's more...

I hit 120 days the beginning of Dec. 2020 and was blocked from booking ANYTHING (even nights in 2021) for all of December, figuring, "what the Hell, deal with it next year," right?

Then, I get the Airbnb tax breakdown notification and, thoughtlessly go and take a look. There I notice: "Total days booked, 2020: 87"  Oddly, if they were counting 2021, I was able to book again Jan 1.  Water under the bridge at that point but knowing I'll be hitting the 120 cap soon this year (2021) I have begun the process.

It took me all of 20 minutes to get to the point where the City would determine if I were "eligible" for the extended stay permit and once there, I've waited close to three weeks for an answer so I could proceed to the notification portion of the permitting process.  Two emails, two voicemail messages to the city and nothing yet.  Oh, and guess who's now 7 days from the 120 mark (Airbnb's math - I haven't counted). 


Anyhow, that's my extended permit saga. Hopefully it'll be resolved soon - stay in touch; sounds like we're going through a lot of the same growing pains.


The per night fee Airbnb collects and remits for us so you don't have to worry about those emails.

Good luck, talk soon.


Thank you so much, Eric! I just applied for the extended permit yesterday. My number is at 818-585-7098 would love to text to stay in touch with your update. 

Hi Lu, Did you end up getting your extended permit?  I just submitted today.  

@Lu122 @Vinh32 

Have either of you been approved or been able to get through to the City of LA Home-Sharing Unit? I've contacted via email or phone call dozens of times and haven't heard a peep yet. Nothing in the spam folder either. Just an automated message that goes to my inbox basically saying visit the website and we will get to you soon.