


Buna.Ma puteți ajuta și pe mine cu o nelămurire?Daca eu am un preț fix pe noapte de ce cei care vor sa închirieze pentru mai mult timp plătesc mai puțin de jumătate din preț?Trebuie sa setez ceva undeva?Multumesc anticipat pentru eventualele răspunsuri.

Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Google translates:


"Hello. Can you help me with a concern? If I have a fixed price per night why do those who want to rent for a longer period pay less than half the price? Do I have to set something somewhere? Thanks in advance for any answers ."




I checked your listing, i  noticed "long term stays" (28 nights and longer) have a price of approx.  30,- per night. Short stays have a price of  24,- per night. So "long term stays" are more expensive !

It means you must have set a fixed price for specific months.


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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands


Google translates:


"Hello. Can you help me with a concern? If I have a fixed price per night why do those who want to rent for a longer period pay less than half the price? Do I have to set something somewhere? Thanks in advance for any answers ."




I checked your listing, i  noticed "long term stays" (28 nights and longer) have a price of approx.  30,- per night. Short stays have a price of  24,- per night. So "long term stays" are more expensive !

It means you must have set a fixed price for specific months.