New Host Here: Need Tips on Handling Theft, Extra Guests, and Cleaning Schedules

Level 2
Pittsburgh, PA

New Host Here: Need Tips on Handling Theft, Extra Guests, and Cleaning Schedules

Hello Airbnb Community,

I'm a relatively new host in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and I hope to get advice from other hosts here. I manage two Airbnb remotely from Fort Smith, Arkansas. I’ve been running into a few challenges without having a security camera at the entrance of my property:

  1. Theft: Unfortunately, I've had a couple of instances where guests have taken property items.
  2. Extra Guests and Pets: Some guests have brought extra people, pets, and even mattresses without letting us know.
  3. Cleaning Schedule: I'm finding it hard to track when our cleaner arrives and leaves.

Has anyone else encountered these issues? How did you address them? I’d love to hear about your experiences and any tips you might have for a newbie like me.

Thanks so much!


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