No payout because of problem with Papal

Level 2
British Columbia, Canada

No payout because of problem with Papal

I have been waiting a week for my latest payout. Supposedly, Air bnb sent it to Paypal on June 20, but it is not there. I have used Paypal for years with no issue, until now. I contacted Paypal and for some unknown reason, they placed a limit on my account of $1,000 CAD and thus, rejected the $1,600 payout. I had the limit removed with Paypal and was told by Paypal that Air bnb would have to re-send the payout. 


Despite calling and messaging for the last 3 days, this has not happened. Yesterday I asked for a supervisor. I was told the supervisor would reply within 24 hours.....NOT! Air bnb has my money and seems quite content to stall, delay, stonewall and just generally ignore me.  I was doing online cottage rentals long before Air bnb existed and I am beginning to think I will be much happier to go back to handling all the bookings (AND MONEY!) by myself. 


Just wondering if anyone else has experienced such a frustrating and endless run-around? So much for "Super Host" status. More like Super sucker....

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