Hi, I am looking to secure a holiday-let mortgage and my br...
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Hi, I am looking to secure a holiday-let mortgage and my broker has asked for a ‘forecasted rental income’ so they can see h...
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I figure that by summer pretty much everyone who wants a vaccine in the U.S. will have had access to one. I only want to rent to vaccinated people. It is irresponsible and selfish to not do whatever you can to help prevent spreading this lethal virus. That's my personal reason. If you want a business reason, last summer I blocked 3 days before and after each booking because of Covid. Since I usually only get 2-day bookings, that seriously cut into my profits last year. If all my guests are vaccinated the risk of transmission will drop substantially and I won't need to have a 6-day buffer for each booking.
My next issue: Airbnb should have a s**t list for bad renters. Thank heavens most people are delightful but I have occasionally had the Guest from Hell stay here, and there is NO WAY I'm going to leave them a negative review!! THEY KNOW WHERE I LIVE!! Right?!! I'm certain I'm not alone in this! You have to leave a review before Airbnb asks "Would you rent to this person again?". How about asking that upfront, separate from a review?! If the person gets an X-number of anonymous negatives, they should get thrown off, and that should be stated policy. I'm now always suspicious of people with no reviews, especially if they've been members for a year or more. WHY hasn't anyone said anything about them? The way things are, I feel like turning off automatic booking and rejecting anyone with zero feedback.
@Michael-And-Nicole0 ??? If you make a statement like that, you should explain it.
@Anne8819 Unless your municipality requires travelers to be vaccinated for Covid or quarantining until tested, you can only request that your guests have the vaccine or a clear Covid test. I am assuming that you are a share host, in which case you have the right to request certain guest behaviors before you accept a booking, like non-smoking.
With respect to the review system, it's flaws and shortcomings have been beaten to death in the forums. I agree that I would want to be able to safely warn other owners about poor guests, but the OTAs have not provided that means. And guests who get censured or banned simply re-create themselves.
It's standard practice for many businesses (e.g., schools and childcare) to request immunization records prior to entry. It's standard practice that entire countries require immunization records for entry. I am doing the same. It is clearly 100% legal. My business is my own, I am not an employee of AirBnB, and I choose who I do business with carefully.
I'm only here today seeing if AirBnB will support me in this choice right now, or not. I didn't shut down this whole time just to do business with spreaders after all. Don't need their money. Really don't want it. 500K dead are backing me up.
It's not standard practice in the UK but if it is in your country you can ask Airbnb if you can add this to your house rules.
it will of course minimise the amount of people who will be able to book with you as Covid vaccines are still rolling out across the world and many under 50s will not yet have theirs.
I think we are under landlord so we can't discriminate. We are not employees of Airbnb, we hosts are like landlords
I'd like to update my listing as well. I'm wondering about wording. Would anyone be willing to share how you've changed your listing to specify "only vaccinated" guests or similar? Are you requiring that guests provide proof prior to acceptance of the reservation request?
@Stephanie1954 Stephanie, I am considering two similar versions, one requires proof. I need to decide which. I will put it at the beginning of the "Description" of my house.
"Because of the dangerous Delta variant, although we are fully vaccinated, we are receiving only those guests over age 12 who can prove that they have been vaccinated just as we have been."
"Because of the dangerous Delta variant, although we are fully vaccinated, we are receiving only those guests over age 12 who have been vaccinated just as we have been."
I believe I can ask people to show this as a condition of staying at my house. There is no law that obliges them to provide this proof, but there is also no law requiring me to let them stay at my house!
I can deny smokers. Why can I not deny people who can spread a deadly disease?
Yes, I hear you and agree. Unvaccinated people are not a protected class. Thank you for sharing your wording.