Options on Airbnb fees when you have two or more properties

Level 3
Georgetown, TX

Options on Airbnb fees when you have two or more properties

This is quite frustrating.  I have two properties.  One I eat the Airbnb fees and have no cleaning fee.  The rate on the property is high enough that it really does not affect my income and it seems to help with occupancy, at least in my very competitive area.   On my second property I do NOT want to absorb the Airbnb fees.  However there is no way to separate this!   I am given the option to split or not to split but no the option to make this decision for each property.


Any suggestions on how I can do this? I cannot raise the rate on the property 14% to accommodate this.  Thanks!



8 Replies 8
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Doris6 If you move to simplified pricing and increase the rate by the correct amount then the guests will see nothing different in the price they pay. Why do you think you cannot raise the rate?

One one property I have simplified pricing, have since it started, thus absorbing the airbnb fee on that property.  I also do not charge the guest the cleaning fee.

One the second property, I choose not to have simplified pricing.   If I raise my nightly rate to cover it, if someone does not toggle over to the option to see full pricing, then my rate looks so much higher than my competitors even if ultimately it is the same and sometimes a little lower.   If Chesky would remove the option to toggle then it would not be an issue.

I want the option to separate the properties and have the option I want to have. Thats all.

@Doris6   I see another person in your photo, so perhaps this person (partner) creates a hosting account for the second listing.  Programmers are notoriously bad at comprehending needed options....

Good suggestion @Lorna170 . I could only wish. That is my son. He died in a plane crash 2 years ago.   But thank you

@Doris6  My condolences on your loss.  

Thanks you so much

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Doris6 I think, from what I have heard, the Airbnb would like to remove the toggle as more and more people in the US are getting upset by drip pricing or whatever it is called. It's not a problem in Europe as companies have to display the total price by law. Hopefully they will at least move to having the total price toggled as the default in the future.

I think it would be nice if the platform could give us some opportunities if we register two or more properties on the website, like smaller fees or discounts.