Payout Difference (same currency, not instalments or deduction from previous booking)

Level 1
Nairobi, Kenya

Payout Difference (same currency, not instalments or deduction from previous booking)

I have been a host on Airbnb for about 3 years and I have never experienced this issue. However recently, I have noticed I am being charged a "Sender's Charge" on each payout from Airbnb, and that this is being deducted by Airbnb's Bank, not my bank. For example, if Airbnb state that they are sending a payout of $600, where previously I would have received exactly that $600, I am now receiving about $4 less on that payout. When I follow up with Airbnb, they say that they sent $600, and I should receive $600 because there are no extra bank charges on their end that would reflect on mine. However when I follow up with my bank, they state that I am being charged a "Sender's Charge" on each transaction, as if Airbnb's bank is now sharing this particular transaction cost with me. Is this happening to anyone else? 

6 Replies 6
Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi Muthoni, it is probable that Airbnb have changed the intermediary they use to transfer funds to a users account in your part of the world. 


Most international wire transfers are now done via the SWIFT network, and this network offers the payer three different expense regulation methods, which are called OUR,  SHA and BEN (SWIFT standard field 71A "Details of Charges"):

* OUR (“Remitter pays all fees” or "Sender bears all transaction fees")

SHA (shared costs) means that charges are split between sender and beneficiary.

BEN (beneficiary pays costs) means that the sender does not pay any charges.


Airbnb are telling you the truth, they release $600 to your account but, the intermediary, be it 'Worldpay' or some other wire service is charging you the $4 handling fee. 


It hasn't happened to me as yet, but it could at some point in the future, and when it does Muthoni, I will simply lift my nightly hosting amount by the amount of the charge and will be no worse off. 


It would just be nice if we got a bit of notice and explanation when these little extras creep in......wouldn't it!





Hi Rob! Thank you for the response!

I suspected the same and asked my bank for the Swift Transaction slips for this recent payout and an older one when I wasn't charged this Sender's Charge. And when comparing the two transaction details, everything is the same. That is, the Ordering Institution is the same now as it was before (Worldpay), the Sender's Correspondent is the same (Barclays Bank), and the Receiver's correspondent is also the same (Standard Chartered Bank). So it appears that there has not been a change in the institutions handling the transaction. Interestingly, in the section detailing charges, both slips indicate SHA, yet on the older slip I wasn't charged anything (and I received the full payout as sent) while the newer one I was (and received the payout with a small amount deducted). Quite confusing. However I appreciate the idea to increase the nightly rate to account for this, especially if this isn't a glitch in their system and is something that will continue to happen. If the latter is the case, I agree it would've been nice to have gotten some notice and explanation. 



Top Contributor
Mount Barker, Australia


Hi again Muthoni,  so if nothing has changed on your payout preference are you being charged a VAT on your transactions that was not applicable before?


I know I am probably asking silly questions but, this is like trying to give advice blindfolded when I can't actually see the account. 

Go to your transaction history and click "Download CSV" file and check what additional charges Airbnb have levied on your transactions.


A senders charge does indicate a money handling charge and not a government one, but if your payout fees are the same as they have always been.......I am lost, in their TOS Airbnb are suspiciously mute on any mention of host payouts and how they are handled. It appears if you get paid or not is something of a mystery!

I am sorry I can't be of more help!



Level 2
Windhoek, Namibia


I have the same problem in Namibia. Airbnb's bank (the sender bank) would usually deduct about 4 US$. But it varies with each payment. sometimes a little more, sometimes a few cents less.

With my latest payout in February 2021, though, the sender bank deducted 15US$ !!

What can I do to avoid these horrendous bank charges? (My local bank in Namibia obviously also deducts a fee, but at least their's is always the same amount, so I know where I stand with them).


Now I am considering changes my settings from US$ currency to South AFrican RAnd, because for some inexplicable reason, Airbnb doesn't seem to think that Namibia is a country, or at least they don't let me choose my local currency.

Now I;m wondering if my settings are on South African Rand (which is exactly the same as Namibia Dollar), if that will change anything?

I'd appreciate advice.

And I'd really like to fight over those 15 US$, but I wouldn't know who to contact about that...

Dear Irmi,


I am also hosting in Namibia, and recently I've been struggling with the intense charges as well!


FNB says:
We reviewed your request and have noticed that all your forex funds are transferred with the Fee Option, CHARGES TO BE SHARED. That is why in some instances you bear fee deductions from the USD Correspondent Bank as well as from FNB Namibia.
In normal course of business, you need to advise the remitters (guests that uses your Airbnb) to choose the Fee Option – SENDER TO PAY ALL FEES. This will ensure that you pay zero fees when receiving forex payments."

But of course, it is IMPOSSIBLE to tell the guest (sender) to pay all the fees, because some will just not do it or possibly cancel the booking.

Did you find a solution to your problem? 

My currency is set to ZAR from the beginning.


If you have any advise I will appreciate it!


thank you 🙂

Level 2
Giannitsa, Greece

I am also having the same problem here in Greece. Previous transactions had no bank fees and now my bank charges €3.00. It seems that Airbnb changed the transfer fee method to "SHARE". I just wonder if Airbnb is charged any bank fees when guests pay.