Payout delayed

Level 2
Bondi, Australia

Payout delayed


One of our payouts is delayed than others. In the app, it says that it was paid on 29th December 2023 and should arrive in my account by 5th of January.  However, the one that was paid on the 3rd of January 2024 already arrived in my account today. I had a chance to ask about this with Airbnb customer service, and they said I have to ask my bank about it; however, they said they couldn’t find any reference number related to the Dec 29 payout. Is there any advice I need to know about this kind of delay? It is kind of frustrating as only one payout is delayed. 

Top Answer

Received the delayed payout today after so many follow-up calls. 

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38 Replies 38

Thanks Rebecca, 


I have not received that form yet. How do I access the form?

Estoy igual en México  en lo que va del año, somo varios.  Como lo resolviste o que hiciste yo voy a empezar a tuitear, por likedin etc, hacer ruido no queda otra, son 3 meses los acumulados ya no puedo esperar mas

Hi There,


same issue  in Australia, we haven't got three payout . its about $10000. called superhost support team everyday and get same answer "cannot do anything and escalted to payment team (specialise team)". no one back to me. I am still waiting for my payout. 





Any repones yet, I am having the exact same issue, escalated no response.

Hola soy de Cancún mismo problema,  doy de alta otra cuenta y se activa empiezan a caer pagos luego se congelan de nuevo no caen.  Voy a empezar a tuitear y buscar a los embajadores de mi zona, no me hacen caso y ya van 3 meses

Misma situación, pesimo el servicio a clientes. Nadie resuelve, ¿Como van?

Level 1
London, United Kingdom

what number did you call? I did not received my pay-outs for more than a month now.

what did you do to get paid?

Level 2
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Glad to hear that you received your payout Maria


Joining the conversation here, and Exactly same issue that we are facing in Malaysia but mine is way worse


our payout stuck since Nov 2023 and till now June 2024 approximately stuck about USD$ 50k 

we are in full debt hoping airbnb will pay us but we've reach numerous parties which they keep giving different answer and different solution


We've found out the root cause is actually their payment remitter written our name wrongly (writing in short form) for example. Management, they write it as "mgt"

that's why our bank reject the transaction


however, we tried our best to explain to airbnb more than 20 superhost support but non of them understand

we even email the proof and bank manager's statement related to this but yet airbnb still doesn't have a way to communicate with their remitter. we are running out of way and time and this causing huge frustration keeping us in debt and struggling with financial issue....


i really hope someone here could have a way to reach out to the right party and help me



Hey there, just reading your message. Did you get paid? 50k is insane! You need to take airbnb to court!!!!