Possibility for host to send message from personal php app ( messge send after automatic checkin for exemple )

Level 1
Florence, Italy

Possibility for host to send message from personal php app ( messge send after automatic checkin for exemple )


I created a system for automatic checkin based on sybc with airbnb calendar and I would like to send messages to guest when they checkin, for eample to remember them to close the elevators doors or put the keys back to where they belong after they come in.

I would need to send messages from my php/javascript or python app. It is possible?

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Buckeye, AZ


Sorry no answer for your question.  A question for you though, will Guests find that irritating.  Random messages reminding you to do something even if you forgot might not be received well.

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Why would you need to do that when you can set up check in messages on Airbnb @Julien1326