@James2815 It looks like your listing has been active for only a bit over a year, with 31+ successful stays under your belt. Years ago, I might have said that's just enough time and experience to get a pretty good grasp on the seasonal patterns of demand for your listing. But of course, the events impacting travel since 2020 have shown us that nobody in this business can take anything for granted.
Anyway, your listing is still completely findable with the normal Search method, so you can rule out the theory that Airbnb is suppressing your visibility to punish you for giving negative reviews. When they want to manipulate hosts into behaving this way or that, they're not nearly so subtle or coy about it.
However, this summer's redesign of the search platform could be impacting your business for better or worse, if your target guests are choosing Category or Flexible search instead of conventional. It's been a huge headache for a lot of long-established hosts, who suddenly saw bookings plummet after the new release when they should have been going into peak season. I'm not even sure Airbnb itself is performing up to expectations with bookings at the moment, as their competitors are gaining ground.
But since you have some unexpected down time, try tweaking your listing a bit. Switch around the lead photo to a cozy interior, such as that awesome sun room, to stand out more to travelers who are feeling over the summer's bitter heat waves. Mix in some exterior shots from other seasons, especially winter. Keep experimenting until something clicks.