Price Listed and Price Customer is Paying is different

Level 2
England, United Kingdom

Price Listed and Price Customer is Paying is different

Hi I listed my Master Ensuite room for £50 per night


On my calendar it is showing a booking confirmed for £38 for one night and a different booking confirmed for £77 for 2 nights.


Is that a deduction from Air BnB for service charge OR are the people able to offer to pay less?


I spent £25,000 on doing a loft conversion and created a beautiful room with marble effect porcelain ensuite and designer furniture and there is no way on God's earth I will allow £38 per night.


How do you think that price is showing and what should I do?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Chanje1  No, guests cannot change the price. Airbnb applies a 20% discount on new listings by default, which you will need to toggle off. Check all the settings on your account to make sure there are no other discounts set.