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Hi there,
I'm chasing a Property Manager for our place in Yeppoon, Queensland. They will need to arrange/perform for the cleaning, linen and overseeing the garden maintenance. We basically need some eyes and ears on the ground. We are hoping to install a lockbox so they wouldn't even be required to greet guests. Can anybody tell me whether this is anybody who provides this service? It would be a great job for someone who has kids at school. Hours would be casual depending on bookings and probably be between check out and check in, 10am - 2pm.
Thanks guys!
Hi Rebecca
I am chasing the same service in Yeppoon ... very interested if you found someone.
Cheers kylie
Hi from Yeppoon. I’ve recently relocated here from Phuket. I have had 6 years property management from running my own Air BnB houses in Daylesford Vic and Launceston Tas...before a 6 year stint on Phuket! Please contact me if you still require servicing of your properties in Yeppoon as I’ve set-up an outsourcing business here with my sister. We manage all aspects from replacing toiletries to towel and linen service, house and garden cleaning/ maintenance. We have an eye for detail and having run my own properties I know what owners demand in cleaning. Cheers, Jacinta
Hi Jacinta,
i am looking at purchasing a property in Yeppoon shortly that is currently airbnb, i am sydney so need someone who would be able to manage this for me.
Can we discuss details please.
Thanks David
Hi Jacinta, are you still offering servicing for AirBnB properties in Yeppoon. We are just getting our property setup in Cooee Bay. How much do you charge? We would only require cleaning, towel and linen service as we will maintain the garden ourselves 🙂
Kind regards,
Hi Jacinta, I’ve only just read your message! I’m enquiring you take take of Gladstone properties as well?? If so I’d love to chat with regards to my Airbnb in Gladstone!
Regards Madonna 😊
Hi Jacinta, we are after a property manager for our Airbnb in Central Yeppoon. Is this something that you are interested in?
I have had an Airbnb in Yeppoon for the past 4 years and I live in Yeppoon. I understand the requirements for a successful Airbnb and have excellent reviews from all my guests. I can provide access to my Airbnb link. I am very interested in looking after your Airbnb. Please contact me to discuss.
Hi Colleen,
Are you still offering your services to look after an Airbnb property in Yeppoon?
Kind regards,
Hi Karen,
I am currently looking for a someone to manage our airbnb property in Yeppoon, could you kindly send through your contact details?
Terina on behalf of Sean.
Yes I am. Sorry I did not reply. I did not see your message. I have an Airbnb and hundreds of reviews commenting on how clean and beautiful my Airbnb is. If you ever need someone please contact me.
Regards Colleen
Coastal Haven Yeppoon
Hi Colleen, Looks like everyone is Airbnb ing in Yeppoon. We settle next week on a gorgeous townhouse which has been an Airbnb for quite a while and we live in Melbourne. It is in Cooee Bay and comes with all the mod cons. Hoping you might have time to talke us on board also… I will manage advertising and bookings from here and need someone reliable and available as the property does very well. Look forward to hearing from you soon. Lisa F
Would you mind sending me your link, Cheers Lisa
Hi Colleen, could you please contact us for Airbnb management in Central Yeppoon, Regards Jeff Galea
Hi Jeff
Are you still looking for someone.
Regards Colleen