

Im new to cleaning air bnb my question  how much should i charge a host to clean a room with kitchen and bathroom its basically a studio apt in a home  i just dont want to be underpaid 

3 Replies 3
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Up to you to do your market research on what individual cleaners get paid . Charge your host the going hourly rate times how long it takes to clean and launder @Yvonne982 

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Yvonne982 Charge them whatever you are happy receiving. Also discuss with them how regular the cleaning will be and also if it is always on the same day of the week. If irregular and will make it difficult for you to plan around then charge a bit more. Finally cleaning of an Airbnb is usually easier than cleaning your own home as there is usually no tidying up to do beforehand. Finally consider, and agree, that if the place is left in a real mess you will get paid for extra hours.

Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada


Hello @Yvonne982, welcome to the Airbnb Community Center.


Please let us know when you have had a chance to read Mike's and Helen's suggestions, and if you decide to do a market research.





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