Renting holiday home in Austria

Level 1
Reading, United Kingdom

Renting holiday home in Austria

Hello. I’m looking for advice on renting out our holiday home in Austria . 

1 Best Answer
Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Hello @Cheryl979 


Sharing a link here bout Responsible hosting in Austria, might help.

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4 Replies 4
Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Cheryl979 firstly check it is legal to use the property for short term rental. Next work out who will look after the place and clean it in your absence. Finally you may need good accountants who are up to speed with the tax implications both in Austria and here.

Thank you. Need to find a good lawyer in Salzburg, Austria to help   Me with further questions on renting out in Austria as there seems to be different laws on whether house is primary residence or holiday home etc . 

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

You don't need a lawyer you just need to check to see what the STR regulations are in your part of Austria @Cheryl979 

Top Contributor
Manila, Philippines

Hello @Cheryl979 


Sharing a link here bout Responsible hosting in Austria, might help.