Reservation slump

Reservation slump

I have been busy-busy all summer with reservations.  All reviews good/great.

I have zero reservations going forward.  What changed?  

I know that kids went back to school, but to zero?

I am in Indianapolis.

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Your listing is active and in the search system.


So maybe there is not much demand or more likely: when searching  more compatitors are shown or listing less easy to find due to changes Airbnb made on the search pages with "summer update"


Level 10
South Bruce Peninsula, Canada



Possibly guests are rethinking vacations due to the news about the economy and possible recession.  We've seen that here.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

@Cynthia1035 @M199 


I don't know how it is in North America, but in Europe, people are travelling. A lot. Figures this year have far exceeded expectations and hotels are putting prices up. Yet, for many of us, views and bookings dived directly after Airbnb's Summer Release in early May. I don't think it can be a coincidence. 


Yes, I've been booked all through the summer, but those were bookings made prior to the release or by repeat guests. Apart from those, I've only had ONE booking. My rooms are usually fully booked year round and typically get booked months in advance, so this is far from normal. 


Most of my guests come here for work or study, and some are relocating to London or moving house/apartment and need a temporary home. That type of activity has not suddenly stopped, so why no bookings?


As for the USA, I have read statistics that show that more American guests (not sure about Canadians) are travelling abroad so that could be one explanation for a drop in bookings for US airbnbs, but I doubt it. London is showing as one of the top five destinations that they are travelling to, but hosts here are also reporting their bookings slowing or stopping. I have hosted a really unusually high percentage of American guests this year but, again, those bookings were made before the Summer Release. 


I'm absolutely convinced that's the reason. Airbnb has apparently reported they've had a very healthy number of bookings this past quarter, so people are booking, just maybe not with us!