Short Term Rental Attorney’s


Short Term Rental Attorney’s

Hello! If you have any recommendations for attorneys knowledgeable in Short Term Rental Properties in Miami Dade please share, thank you so much! 

1 Best Answer
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Alexandra2137as this is a global forum, it might be tricky finding lawyers with area-specific knowledge. You can join the nearest Local Host Club to connect with fellow hosts local to your area. You can share your experiences, exchange valuable knowledge and get advice. Here's a link to the Local Host Clubs.

Hope this helps! 😊



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2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Alexandra2137as this is a global forum, it might be tricky finding lawyers with area-specific knowledge. You can join the nearest Local Host Club to connect with fellow hosts local to your area. You can share your experiences, exchange valuable knowledge and get advice. Here's a link to the Local Host Clubs.

Hope this helps! 😊



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@Alexandra2137 , you might want to search your local area for attorneys that specialize in real estate and/or land use, zoning issues if your STR concern deals with STR regulations/restrictions, enforcement or potential bans.

