Survival boxes

Level 3
New York, NY

Survival boxes

AirBnB, start thinking outside the box!  Create a survival box that contains bottled water, UHT milk, tuna, soup, applesauce, chocolate, biscuits, energy bars, bandaids, a deck of cards, local postcards with stamps, a paperback book, etc.that will get a guest through the 14 day quarantine period which every country in the world has now.  HOSTS, have you thought about marketing a meal service that your quarantined guest can purchase when they book the property? 

17 Replies 17

Melodie, I entered Serbia from Hungary really before anyone was anticipating the severity of Covid.  Anyone who has a good memory, knows the proverbial sh1t hit the fan in a period of days.  President Vucic closed the Serbian borders two days after I arrived and tens of thousands of non nationals are STILL trapped here.  There are dozens of absolutely hilarious videos on You Tube, all with the same theme:  "I'm trapped in Serbia.  SAVE ME!"    Serbia was the worse European country to be stuck in because they had weekend long curfews, sometimes even three days, where you could be arrested for going outside.  I was denied a seat on the Air Serbia repatriation flight on April 8th because the State Dept wouldn't accept an Air BnB or hotel for the quarantine period.  People like to shoot off their mouths.    Why doesn't the ignore button work, Air BnB?  And I can assure you I'm not "thumbing my nose."  Do you know anyone who died from Covid?  My college mentor and lifelong friend left us in March.

Level 10
Jersey City, NJ

Back to the topic at hand:


It sounds like a nice idea, but I don't see that it is very practical, not only would it introduce many additional points of potential infection, with the host getting the stuff, packaging it, and then getting to the guest, as well as potential liability if it were ever proven that a guest got the virus from the care package, it would be hugely expensive to put together 14 days of meals.    Possibly, a small package of some basic staples that would get the guest through the first day or two, but the issue of contamination still exists.  


For those hosting now, though, adding in a list of local places/apps for food delivery would be nice.

Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Brian1663  I can understand why you think this would be a good idea, seeing as how you are stranded in Serbia and hadn't been allowed to go out. But you know what? Aside from the possible contamination issue Mark brought up, hosts already have issues as far as providing food for guests- so many people are so "precious" these days- "Oh, I don't eat gluten", "Oh, I'm allergic to dairy", "Does this contain any animal products, I'm vegan", "I only eat organic".  If folks actually experienced what is was like to go truly hungry, they might appreciate a food box, but I think it's better for them just to order out whatever they like to eat. Many grocery stores have been delivering orders during this pandemic, as well.