TX winter storm 2021

Level 2
San Saba, TX

TX winter storm 2021

What are other hosts doing with storm stranded guests?  We had 2 separate sets of guests in our listings.  They were stranded by the storm during their scheduled booked timed.  They spent several days without power and/or water.  We found out after 2 days that they were not getting "rolling power" due to a transformer issue and we were able to move them to another property which was w/o water.  They were very understanding but not sure if we should consider some form of compensation.  Obviously it was beyond our control but......

3 Replies 3
Level 1
Mansfield, TX

Im interested in this as well. I was booked to travel to Austin the day this all started, but had to turn back due to frozen roads and safety concerns.  My host is not wanting to reimburse or reschedule me.  What are your thoughts as a host?

@Chase94   I had a similar event in GA.  even tho it was an "act of nature"  i did give a small refund. I couldn't have booked those days anyway

Level 1
Cincinnati, OH

Hey all,


Im hoping to revive this thread. I was a customer during the Texas winter storm. I had to flee my unit due to not having power or water (left as soon as it power and heat went out). I missed out on 2-weeks of my stay and have been since getting the run-around on refund for services not provided. The Extenuating Circumstances Policy clearly states that government-declared emergencies and “large-scale outages of essential utilities” is covered per the policy released Jan 20th, 2021. 

Unfortunately, the host never offered a refund for the lost 2 weeks of stay and Airbnb is now refusing to give me a refund (honor their Extenuating Circumstances Policy). Is anyone else in this position? 


