Hi @Florvil0
Have you considered using an Employer Identification Number (EIN) instead of your Social Security Number (SSN) for your property listed outside the US? It's generally a smart move, especially if you’re treating the rental as a business. An EIN helps keep your personal and business taxes separate, offering extra legal protection and reducing exposure of your SSN in business transactions.
If you're currently operating as a sole proprietor and using your SSN, this might seem straightforward, but it does link your business transactions directly to your personal tax records.
Given you don’t have a business license yet, you might want to think about whether you plan to formalize your rental activity. If so, obtaining an EIN and registering your business could be wise next steps.
For handling taxes and understanding which forms to use for a foreign property, consulting with a tax professional familiar with international rental property taxation could provide tailored advice and ensure you meet all necessary legal and tax obligations.
Best of luck with your rental property!