It depends on the price point you're able to list it at. @Ann72 has good advice about pricing. Our listing has a premium price- I know we would be booked solid if we lowered it, but I don't really want that increased wear and tear on the house- and the pricing keeps the quality of the guests high.
I am fairly local to our listing- as such, I put in a lot of personal effort to keep our quality in line with our price. Even though we have a good cleaning crew, I almost always go in after they're done to make sure it's perfect.
If you're far enough away that you can't check on the house, you'll have to pay someone you trust to keep track of what's going on. Personally, I would avoid any of the discount management businesses that advertise heavily. They take 10% and don't seem to provide any real service. You need continual assessments of any damage to the house, from guests or wear and tear, storms, etc., to keep the quality up, and to make sure that the cleaning crew is doing a proper job.
If you're able to pay for all of that... and still make money, then yes, it's worthwhile! It sounds like you're planning on buying the place either way, and just deciding if Airbnb is worth it? If you do it right, you can have a wonderful vacation property and have it paid for by guests, and even make a good bit of extra $$$.