Veteran Host has not been Paid after Guest Checked out a week ago- with no reason from Customer Service

Level 2
Washington, DC

Veteran Host has not been Paid after Guest Checked out a week ago- with no reason from Customer Service

I am a veteran host with a 4.7 star rating. I have hosted on the Airbnb platform for years. I had a guest check in and out over a week ago and have still not been paid. I contacted Airbnb support and have spoken to 11 different representatives, each of which gives a different answer that I have not been paid, but none have solved the issue.


Here are the different reasons various reps gave, which did not fix the issue.

1. A technical bug in the Airbnb system which someone would call me back- no one called

2. Tax forms not updated (not true, I submitted them a month ahead), reupdate them- which I did and resubmitted

3. Payout method needed to be updated (it's the same one I have gotten paid for months)- which I did reupdate the SAME card

4. minimum payout not set on the payout method, update- which I did, set the minimum payment

5. Issue with the new system, wait 24 hours- which I did, nothing happened

6. Supervisor said it's a technical issue, he will escalate it- nothing happened


Each representative tells me this same phrase, so much so I screenshot it and put it on twitter and its going viral - "I'm forwarding your inquiry to a member of our team who can better assist you. They'll be getting in touch with you shortly". And I never receive any other information.


At this point I am considering reaching out to my lawyer. The customer service team at Airbnb has SEVERELY disappointed me, and although I've been hosting for years. This will be my last time hosting on this platform. 

2 Replies 2
Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Cheaper and easier to take Airbnb through your small claims court @Kimberly1105 

Definitely! I am doing this now. I reached out to my lawyer today. I was told today by the EIGHTEENTH (I counted) representative I spoke to that they still don't know why there's a hold (10 days later) and I should wait an additional 15 days for system processing because Airbnb switched to a new system. I hosted someone on ethe 8th and the representative told me I am not likely to receive payout until after the New Year. I am appalled at the lack of customer service. I am removing my listing immediately.