Vidanta 5 Complimentary weeks

Vidanta 5 Complimentary weeks

I have five complimentary weeks that I can book at anytime over the next 4 years. The weeks have to be booked through me but are transferrable to anyone. I would like to list these weeks, but did not know if there are stipulations for situations like mine. If any superhost have advice on how to sell these weeks, please reach out.

2 Replies 2

How do you get complimentary weeks?

Top Contributor
Bristol, United Kingdom

Sorry your post isn't clear - what do you mean by complimentary weeks? @Stone77 


Start by checking the T&C of these complimentary weeks are you allowed to sell to a third party for profit? If so - go ahead and list them on Airbnb if that's the STR channel you want to use.


I'm a superhost but this is a community for hosts and guests to discuss Airbnb related matters. We wouldn't be able to advise you on how to sell 'weeks' (whatever that might mean 🙂 )