Why some hosts seems to have no service fee

Level 2
Cooroy, Australia

Why some hosts seems to have no service fee

I'm try to find out what is a appropriate price for the season and normally I'm looking to be in the price range what other host asking for.

What I don't understand why some host seems to have no service fee when you look in price break down. the nightly room price is higher as mine. but in the end the total price is less because there is no service fee included. Just would like to understand.

Thanks in advance

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Appreciate your time and answer

Top Contributor
England, United Kingdom

@Petra604 A lot of advice in here is slightly wrong.

Airbnb service fees do apply to all cleaning fees etc.

Also percentages are tricky little beggars

With the Guest paying the service fee if your nightly rate (including all cleaning fees) is 100 then you will get 100-((3% of 100)+VAT) and the guest will pay 100+(14.2% of 100 +VAT)

With the host only fee if you charge 115 then you will get 115-((15% of 115) + VAT) and the guest will pay 115.

Depending on your VAT rate if you have one the sums are actually quite similar.