What Hosts are saying

    Hi Airbnb HOSTs, I have a million questions about starting to host !! But what concerns me the most. What will happen if you get a squatter ? This is the main reason I have not started. !! Help ! Thanks in advanced Latest reply by Dadou4
    Hello everyone! I am a host and since I am new to Airbnb, I was wondering if there is some sort of platform that hosts use when searching for co-hosts? It seems that Airbnb only allows you to put in the email of someone to be your cohost but there is no o... Latest reply by Dadou4
    Okay I'm hoping that I'm just overlooking something and Airbnb isn't this stupid, but I am completely unable to find a breakdown of my gross earnings by listing. All I can see is the overall earnings which doesn't help at all because I'm managing other pe... Latest reply by Rebecca
    All guests are not same and quite often we embark on guests who use unparliamentary language , are too rude or pushy and insensitive. Such guests also spoil your otherwise excellent review.. how to deal with them as it frustrating? Latest reply by Mike-And-Jane0
    Hi Everyone, I hope you are well! I am trying to set up how I will receive payment from my listing in Rwanda but it does not give me an option. Whereas for other countries you have paypal or Bank Transfert as an option. Would anyone be able to help with t... Latest reply by Paula