What hosts are saying

    Új házigazda vagyok. Kifizetések beállításánál a bankszámlaadatok megadásánál mi az a Bank kód? Soha nem hallottam még erről. Az MBH Bank honlapján sem találtam meg és a számlakivonaton sem szerepel. Valaki tudna segíteni?I'm a new host and I'm trying to ... Latest reply by Kinga-and-Csaba1
    Why is Airbnb discounting my December prices? This is our peak season my rates are very reasonable, I am not prepared to offer any discounts. I will decline such bookings. Latest reply by Jeremy1019
    I am a timeshare owner (Hyatt Vacation Club, aka Welk), and was recently informed by another owner that you can rent your timeshare out on air bnb. I verified this is true with a manager at the Tahoe resort. There are multiple resorts in the Tahoe area t... Latest reply by Bhumika
    Witam, potrzebuje pomocy i instrukcji jak wystawić fakturę w momencie kiedy otrzymuje wpłatę na konto z airbnb? Jestem przedsiębiorcą --- Hello, I need help and instructions on how to issue an invoice when I receive a payment to my airbnb account? I am a... Latest reply by Paula
    Airbnb have not paid me for a ten day booking I had early this month. After countless messages and phone calls I have got nowhere. Everyone tells me it’s been referred to another department but still no proper feedback as to why I have not been paid. Ema... Latest reply by Bhumika