impuestos colombia 2021


impuestos colombia 2021

Hola, actualmente cuento con el registro nacional de turismo RNT y he estado recibiendo correos de FONTUR para pagar aportes parafiscales del  primer y segundo trimeste de este año, traté de hacer la liquidación en Inicio | FONTUR pero la plataforma solicita para esto registrar el establecimiento con fecha de matricula, este dato no lo tengo pues entiendo no es requerido el registro mercantil y basta con el RNT.


Como han llevado estos parafiscales con FONTUR?



Top Answer
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I suggest to post your question in the community for Spanish language : Community Español 


Google translates:

"Hello, I currently have the RNT national tourism registry and I have been receiving emails from FONTUR to pay parafiscal contributions for the first and second quarters of this year, I tried to make the settlement in Home | FONTUR but the platform requests for this to register the establishment with the date of registration, I do not have this information because I understand the commercial register is not required and the RNT is enough."

View Top Answer in original post

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



I suggest to post your question in the community for Spanish language : Community Español 


Google translates:

"Hello, I currently have the RNT national tourism registry and I have been receiving emails from FONTUR to pay parafiscal contributions for the first and second quarters of this year, I tried to make the settlement in Home | FONTUR but the platform requests for this to register the establishment with the date of registration, I do not have this information because I understand the commercial register is not required and the RNT is enough."

Thanks @Emiel1, will do

Level 3
Filandia, Quindío, Colombia

La fecha de la matricula es la fecha  en que tu solicitaste en el rut el cambio de actividad o la creaste a mi me paso lo mismo.

Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hola @Raquel650  un consejo para optimizar la comunicación en el foro: 

no olvides etiquetar apropiadamente  a @Andres-F-1  para que reciba una notificación y venga al foro a leer tu comentario. Sino, podría no verlo 🙂



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